All detail of Software and type of software and application, system, operating, devices drivers, data base management software, Electronic sheet , graphics, word processing, any one software developer engineer ..

   👉What is software?

  Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. In simple words you can say that a software is the way to perform different tasks electronically.

We know that any part of the computer system that you can see or even touch, is called Hardware. And a software is a set of managed instructions that operates the computer Hardware.

Hardware differs from software in that it is the physical devices in a computer you can touch and build. The would include the monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard drive, processor, DVD drive, and anything else that is a physical component of a computer. Software then is anything else in a computer or elsewhere that consists of stored Data.

👉 IEEE Standard Definition of Software 

Software is a collection of computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on an operating system.

✦ Software products may be developed for a particular customer or may be developed for a general markets.

✦ Software products may be

        👉 Generic developed to be sold to a range of different customers e.g., PC software such as excel or word.

👉Bespoke (custom ) developed for a single customer according to their specification.

✦ New software can be created by developing new programs, configuring generic software system or reusing existing software.

 👎Relationship between Software and Computer Hardware.

 Computer hardware covers the physical interconnections and devices required to store and execute (or run) the software. At the lowest level, software consists of  a machine language specific to an individual processor. A machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying processor instructions which change the state of the computer from its preceding state. Software is an orders sequence of instructions for changing the state of the computer hardware in a particular sequence. It is usually written in high-level programming languages that are easier and more efficient for humans to use ( closer to natural language) than machine language. High- level language are compiled or interpreted into machine language object code. software may also be written in an assembly language, essentially, a mnemonic representation of a machine language using a natural language alphabet. Assembly language  must be assembled into object code via an assembler.

 👉Types of Software

  There are two major classes of Software:

[1]. System software 


[2]. Application software.

👉System software:-   

 It manages and control computer hardware so that application software can perform. Operating system, such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS or Linux, are prominent examples of system software.

System software is software that basically makes the computer work. The purpose of system software is to insulate the applications programming from the details of the particular computer time in safe and stable manner.

 👉Types of System Software.

☪ Operating System:-  An operating system is an interface between hardware and user; it is responsible for the managements and coordination of activities and the sharing of the limited resources of the computer.

 ☪Devices Drivers:-   These software are used to install a hardware in computer. These software make a hardware device to work. It makes a entry in which synchronization is maintained between hardware and computer.

 ☪ Utility Software:-   Utility software (also known as service program, service routine, tools, or utility routine) is computer software designed to help manage and tune the computer hardware, operating system or application software by performing a single task or a Small range of tasks. Utility software has long been integrated into most major operating system.

👉 Example of Utility Software:-

 ✦ Disk defragmenters can detect computer files whose contents are stored on the hard disk in disjointed fragments, and move the fragments and move the fragment together to increase efficiency.

✦ Disk checkers can scan the content of a hard disk to find files or areas that are corrupted in some way, or were not correctly saved, and eliminate them for a more efficiently operating hard drive.

✦ Disk cleaners can find files that are unnecessary to computer operation, or take up considerable amounts of space. Disk cleaner helps the user to decide what to delete when their hard disk is full.

✦ Disk partitioners can divide an individual drive into multiple logical drive, each with its own filesystem which can be mounted by the operating system and treated as an individual drive.

✦ Data compression utilities output a shorter stream or a smaller file when provided with a stream or file.

✦ Anti-virus utilities scans for computer viruses.

✦ System profiles provide detailed information about the software installed and hardware attached to the computer.

 👉 Application Software.

 Application software is written to enable the computer to solve a specific data processing tasks. There are two categories of application software.

[1]. Pre-written software packages.

[2]. User-Application program.

A number of powerful application software packages, which does not require significant programming knowledge, have been developed. These are easy to learn and use as compared to the programming language.

Although these package can perform many general and special functions, there are application where these package are not found adequate. In such cases, application program is written to meet the exact requirements. A user application program may be written using one of these packages or a programming language. The most  important categories of software packages available are.

✦ Data Base Management Software.

✦ Spreadsheet Software.

✦ Word processing Desktop publishing (DTP) and presentation software.

 ✦ Graphics Software.

✦ Data communication software.

✦ Statistical and operational Research Software.

👉 Data Base Management Software.

 Software packages called -Data base managements system (DBMS) had been developed long before advent of micro-computers, to handle the problems of maintaining and integrating large volumes of data on large machines.

The DBMS package have attained popularity mainly for the following reasons;

1. These are easy to use and simple.

2. The basic features can be language in  a short time.

3. Using these packages, small business information system can be easily implemented in a few days.

4. These packages can be used as a  tools to prototype large applications. Prototyping in useful for saving costs in implementing large application.

 👉These DBMS packages provide features for:-

 1. Creating data files.

2. maintaining these data files by way to providing functions for adding, deleting, editing, and updating a given set of data items.

3. Generating reports based on the created data files.

4. Querying on these data files.

Some of the popular data base management system are: FoxPro, Oracle, etc..

👉 Electronic Spreadsheet Software.

   Electronic Spreadsheet software is hailed as the single most important reason for management use of microcomputers. The fundamental idea of value in such package is the concept of an 'electronic' spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is simple a sheet of paper with rows and columns in which one can enter data in the form of numbers and text.

Spreadsheet models have a simplicity which makes them natural for users. They also find use in a surprising variety of applications. Although, undoubtedly, their largest use is in financial modelling, they find frequent use in areas like marketing, production, logistics and human resources.

 👉Word Processing, DTP and presentation Software.

Word processing software are designed to enable the user to prepare typed documents. Thus, in contrast to data processing where the focus is generally on numerical data, in word processing the main concern is with textual data.

In order to prepare a document using a word processing packages, it has initially to be typed in to the computer using the keyboard. 

Typically situations where high gains are possible are:-

law firms, contractors, newspaper, offices, banks and governments offices.

Some of the popular processing packages are Microsoft word, wordStar, word perfect etc.

 👉Business Graphics Software?

The human brain is much more adept at picking up patterns form pictorial representations.

If it is true, as old saying, that a picture is worth  a thousand words, it is equally true that it is worth a thousand numbers. Computer accessible data can readily be converted to graphics from on the screen as well as on paper using dot-matrix printers or plotters. with plotters it is possible to have different colors (generally four colors). Typically business graphics software enable data to be plotted as. 

✦ Line Charts

✦ Bar charts

✦ Pie charts 

Some high level business graphics software also provides for three dimensional display and maps.

 👉Data Communication Software.

 In large organizations, there is a central computer for data processing which does routine data processing. sometimes a manager would like to get some of this data for processing on his personal computer.

To facilitate this, data-communication software has developed. these software runs on the personal computer to make it look like a terminal to another computer. Using this terminal emulation facility, the manager can access data from the host computer.

 👉Types of Application software on the basis of user interface.

💬   Web based :- Web applications are Web-accessible (Deployed and/ or accessed through a Web browser), Web-connected (Utilize a http connection for information retrieval or display), and task-oriented (beyond the simple browsing of information) software.

💬  Desktop Based:- Application based on graphical user interface (GUI) are called desktop application. We can create shortcut of these applications. 

💬 Console based:- CUI (character user interface) based application are console application. 

👉 Software Developments Life Cycle:-

 Software development life cycle (SDLC) and also synonymous with software process as well as software engineering, it is a structured methodology used in the development of software products and packages. This methodology is used from the conception phase through to the delivery and end of life of a final software.

 👉SDLC is the process of developing information:-

1. Assess Needs:- Assess needs identifies and defines a need  for the new system and analyzes the information needs of the end user. In this phase, what are the requirements and why new system is required is identified.

2. Design Specifications:- creates a blueprint for the design with the necessary specifications for the hardware, software, people and data resources.

3. design/Develop/Test software:- In this phase, work starts on blueprint of design. Final design is decided and coding starts. In coding we create and program the final system and in testing, we evaluate the system's actual functionality in relation to expected or intended functionality.

4. Implement System:- The create system is implemented for user on work site.

5. Support Operations:-  In this phase operations which are required to work system properly are executed.

6. Evaluate performance:- The expected work and actual work are compared , on the basic of this comparison performance of system is evaluated. If the system needs some more modifications then steps 1 to last are executed. This process is repeated until system performs perfectly.



